Resale Clothing Store for Sale in O'Fallon, St. Charles, Missouri

Business Listings Bryan Road, O'Fallon, St. Charles, Missouri
65.00 $


I own a teen clothing resale store in Ofallon MO, Radical Resale. We sell name brand clothing - Abercrombie, Hollister, American Eagle, Buckle, Pink, Aeropostale, etc. for mainly middle school and high school kids. We are going to try to sell by owner before handing it over to a broker. We have been in business since 2006. It is located right on Bryan Road so the location is optimal. It has done well but due to some family hardships, we don't have time to be in the store and therefore it is going downhill. Our best year hit $164,000 in sales and then down to. $93,000 during the decline. With a motivated buyer who is willing to put their heart into it, it should easily climb back up. The inventory is still well stocked and the store is beautiful on the inside. It would be a "turnkey" sell. I give you the keys and you just walk in and take over. Other than you would have to get your business license and set up with a tax ID and sales tax #, you would be up and running within a week. I would be willing to train you on everything you need to know. I did my own books, so there isn't even a need for an Accountant. I will be willing to train you. If you are interested and would like more information please send me an email.

The inventory is priced out at $55,000 and there is over $10,000 worth of equipment in the store.

This is priced for a quick sale so the price is solid. Owner financing possible.


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Listing id 18323
Post date October 20, 2015 7:19 PM
Result 0 votes
Janet Comfort
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